Howl - définition. Qu'est-ce que Howl
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est Howl - définition

Howl (band); Howl (film); Howl (album); Howl (disambiguation)

(howls, howling, howled)
If an animal such as a wolf or a dog howls, it makes a long, loud, crying sound.
Somewhere in the streets beyond a dog suddenly howled, baying at the moon.
Howl is also a noun.
The dog let out a savage howl and, wheeling round, flew at him.
If a person howls, they make a long, loud cry expressing pain, anger, or unhappiness.
He howled like a wounded animal as blood spurted from the gash...
Howl is also a noun.
With a howl of rage, he grabbed the neck of a broken bottle and advanced.
When the wind howls, it blows hard and makes a loud noise.
The wind howled all night, but I slept a little...
It sank in a howling gale.
VERB: V, V-ing
If you howl something, you say it in a very loud voice. (INFORMAL)
'Get away, get away, get away' he howled...
The crowd howled its approval.
VERB: V with quote, V n
If you howl with laughter, you laugh very loudly.
Joe, Pink, and Booker howled with delight...
The crowd howled, delirious.
VERB: V with n, V
Howl is also a noun.
His stories caused howls of laughter.
·vt To utter with outcry.
II. Howl ·noun A prolonged cry of distress or anguish; a wail.
III. Howl ·vi To make a noise resembling the cry of a wild beast.
IV. Howl ·noun The protracted, mournful cry of a dog or a wolf, or other like sound.
V. Howl ·vi To utter a loud, protraced, mournful sound or cry, as dogs and wolves often do.
VI. Howl ·vi To utter a sound expressive of distress; to cry aloud and mournfully; to Lament; to Wail.
¦ noun a long doleful cry uttered by an animal such as a dog.
?a loud cry of pain, amusement, etc.
?Electronics a wailing noise in a loudspeaker due to feedback.
¦ verb make a howling sound.
ME houle (v.), prob. imitative.



Howl most often refers to:

  • Howling, an animal vocalization in many canine species
  • Howl (poem), a 1956 poem by Allen Ginsberg

Howl may also refer to:

Exemples de prononciation pour Howl
1. An inner howl assails me,
2. going to start to howl.
Man vs Markets - Economics Explained (Plain and Simple) _ Paddy Hirsch _ Talks at Google
3. would howl at my speeches.
How to Make People Laugh _ Brian Regan _ Talks at Google
4. not to raise my head and howl.
5. like in '91, '92, we would howl.
Blueprint for Revolution _ Srdja Popovic _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour Howl
1. Thursday lunchtime A tuneless howl from upstairs.
2. "If we play a slow song, we may have the DJ howl ... because dogs howl, too, when they hear sad sounds," Anupan said.
3. "Motivated, motivated, downright motivated!" they howl in unison.
4. REPUBLICANS NOW howl that the tax hike was unnecessary.
5. At the allotted date/hour, stop what you‘re doing, put down your tools, step into the street and join us, the sane remainders of the human race, as we howl inarticulately at the skies." Futile noise beats futile silence, people, so howl till your throat burns – howl yourself dizzy.